

Below are some the of the key projects I've worked on my professional capacity.

Supply Chain Analytics

Tool to classify cause of order misses.

  • PL/SQL
  • Oracle EBS
  • Used an evolving decision matrix by identifying patterns in past order data to classify the cause of order misses into four segments: Order, Ship, Delivery, and Quantity.
Basel 3.1 Reforms

Updating ETL to comply with Basel 3.1.

  • Python
  • Netezza
  • Linux
  • Developed and tested ETL processes for compliance with Basel 3.1 regulations. Implemented using Netezza SQL, Python (pandas, xlrd), and Bash.


Here are some of my personal projects


World Energy Statistics using various data tools.

  • Spark
  • Dash

Search movies using AI and vector databases.

  • LangChain
  • SvelteKit

A collection of sample docker compose files for self-hosted applications.

  • Docker
  • Linux

Movie Recommender & IMDb Dataset Generator.

  • Python
  • Streamlit

Hotel Management System to track bookings and generate invoices.

  • Flask
  • PostgreSQL

Website for a hospitality company. Featured in Chakra UI.

  • Next.js
  • Firebase

This website!

  • Eleventy
  • Tailwind

My old blog.

  • Jekyll
  • Github Pages

Projects on GitHub

Here are the rest of my projects on GitHub.

Updated Name Description
server-compose A collection of sample docker compose files for self-hosted applications.
cinemattr-db Backend of
tabpfn-eval Replicate the TabPFN model and evaluate it on more than 200 datasets from OpenML.
TabPFN Official implementation of the TabPFN paper ( and the tabpfn package.
data-pipeline-compose Docker Compose for big data processing using Hadoop, Hive, PySpark, Spark, Jupyter, and Airflow. Print-friendly, minimalist CV page
world-energy-stats World Energy Statistics using various data tools. Project @ MDS TMU.
obsidian-utils Utility scripts for Obsidian - the note-taking app
quaLLM yet another LLM evaluation and comparison toolkit.
kaggles Submissions to Kaggle Competitions.
aws-terminate-untagged-instances Simple python lambda function to terminate all EC2 instances that don’t follow a tagging criteria. Search movies using AI. Built using LangChain, OpenAI & SvelteKit.
boilerplate-web-form Simple Web Form built using Flask and PostgreSQL.
sklearn-loan-classifier Using sklearn module to create and evaluate various machine learning models.
recomovi Content Based Movie Recommendation & IMDb Dataset Generator. Blog & Portfolio Website v2. Blog & Portfolio website.
tinytex-docker Minimal TinyTex Docker Image
carteakey Github public profile.
EDA-weather-data Scrape weather data from a website and gain statistical insights.
pytorch-resnet18-crack-detection Detect cracks in images with 99% accuracy.
regression-model-with-keras Build and compare regression models using Keras.
pytorch-MNIST-models Deep learning models on MNIST database.
microhms Hotel Management System for small hotel owners to track bookings and generate professional looking invoices.